Vaccine Resources and Research
Why Vaccines?
Vaccine Resources/ Recursos Sobre Vacunas
Community Conversations - COVID-19 Vaccines
Forum (Feb. 7, 2021) with the Liberian Association of Worcester County, The Massachusetts Organization of African Descendants, Community Health Awareness Network, The City of Worcester, and UMass Medical School.
¡Vacúnate! Trabajando hombro a hombro para vencer al COVID-19
Charla informativa virtual para discutir algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes en nuestras comunidades. Nuestro panel de expertos incluyen a la Dra. Mattie Castiel (Comisionada de salud para la ciudad de Worcester); el Dr. Pablo Hernández (Director Médico del Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center); y, la Dra. Mireya Wessolossky (Experta en enfermedades infecciosas, UMass Medical School).
Este evento fue organizado por UMass Medical School, the Latino Empowerment Organizing Network, and Protégete Latino en Contra del Coronavirus.
COVID-19 Research
Learn about the current research being conducted at UMass Medical School
Are you interested in participating in COVID-19 research?
Click on the link below to learn about participating in current COVID-19 related research